행사 및 세미나

(뇌과학연구소) 2016 International Symposium of
작성자 관리자 조회수 4321

 뇌과학연구소에서는 2016년 국제심포지엄을 다음과 같이 개최하고자 하오니, 많은 관심과 참석 부탁드립니다.


                                -  다             음  -


*  행사명 : 뇌과학연구소 2016년 국제심포지엄 (Molecular Basis of Brain Disease and Bioenergetics)


*  일   시 : 2016. 09. 30 14:00-18:00


*  장  소  : 칠곡경북대학교병원, 소강당


*  내  용 : 

   2:00-2:10   Congratulatory address   Jae-Yong Park, President of KNU Medical Center
   ​​Session I.  Brain and energy metabolism   (Chair: Kyoungho Suk, KNU)


   ​2:10-2:50    Neuron-glia metabolic coupling: role in neuronal plasticity and neuroprotection
                     (Pierre J. Magistretti, EPFL)
   ​2:50-3:20    Central Dopaminergic System Regulates Energy Balance and BAT Function

                     (Ki Woo Kim, Yonsei University)

   ​Session II.  New insights into glia and neural stem cells 

                     (Chair: Il-Sung Jang, KNU School of Dentistry)

   ​3:20-4:00    Mechanisms and pathological relevance of ATP-induced Macropinocytosis in Microglia

                     (Shumin Duan, Zhejiang University School of Medicine)
   ​4:00-4:30    Molecular mechanisms in neural stem/ progenitor cell differentiation
                     (​Do-Yeon Kim, KNU School of School of Dentistry)

   ​4:30-4:50    Coffee break


​   ​Session III. Recent progress in neurodegenerative disease research 

                     (Chair: Jung-Kyu Seo, Daegu Medical Center)
   ​4:50-5:20    Parkinson’s disease
                     (Seong-Beom Koh, Korea University College of Medicine)
   ​5:20-5:50    Biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases

                     (Ho-Won Lee, KNU Hospital)

   5:50           Closing remarks    (Maan-Gee Lee, KNU)






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