Recent progress of bone and vascular tissue engine
작성자 관리자 조회수 8205

Recent progress of

bone and vascular tissue engineering



일시 : 20141222(), 13:00 ~ 18:00

장소 : 경북대학교 의학전문대학원 신관 2N209A

13:20 13:30

Opening Remarks

경북의대 최제용

13:30 - 13:50

Early diagnosis of Osteoarthritis

경북대 차상국

13:50 14:10

Evidence-based recommendations for calcium

and vitamin D intake

경북대 박용주

14:10 14:40

Role of DICAM in bone and cartilage

파티마병원 정연관

14:40 15:10

Effects of Bisphosphonate on mesenchymal

cell differentiation

파티마병원 한민수

15:10 15:20

Coffee break

15:20 15:50

Vascular tissue engineering using silk-based material

강릉치대 김민근

15:50 - 16:20

Accelerated bio-degradation of xenograft

by 4-hexylresorcinol

강릉치대 김성곤

16:20 16:50

Role of bone marrow derived cells in undesirable recovery of kidney

경북의대 박권무

16:50 17:20

Neuropeptide Y regulates hematopoietic stem cell niche and prevents bone marrow dysfunction

경북의대 배재성

17:20 17:50

Histone deacetylase inhibition as a novel therapeutic in cardiovascular diseases

경북의대 김인겸

17:50 -

Closing Remarks

경북의대 최제용



주최: Bone biology lab in KNU

주관: BK21플러스 KNU 의생명융복합 창의인재양성사업단 , 세포기질연구소

  • 첨부파일없음


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